Easalytics Logo

Goodbye High Attrition, Hello Meaningful Retention. 

Get the information you need to drive engagement with targeted communications to increase your revenue-per-member.  

Let’s Chat

How easalytics works?We are health club centric.

We offer key integrations with partners like HubSpot, Perkville, ABC Fitness Solutions, Club Automation, Club OS, and more, all to ensure that no matter the size or scale of your club, your members are always satisfied. Our consultative approach is another way that Easalytics ensures success. With regular meetings, whether you’re new to analytics or a veteran, our team will help you get more from your data.

1. Give us access

Sign data access authorization forms for your data source systems.

2. Answer some basic Qs

Tell us how/if you want certain things grouped in your analytics, like club locations, profit centers, membership types, & age groupings.

3. Relax

That’s right, sit back while we take care of the technical details.

Why Easalytics?Get your team the information
they need to drive engagement.

Discover new
opportunities for growth.

Marketing Execs

Easalytics—We Make Analytics, Easy.

Imagine identifying more high-value members, and then being able to create meaningful experiences to keep them engaged and coming back. Now imagine attracting more members like them. Stop imaging—start doing with Easalytics.

Be Proactive

Retain more revenue with less time, effort, and expense.

Cater to Your Clientele

Offer services and opportunities individually catered to each member’s behavior.

Increase Efficiency

Do more with less and make your data work smarter, not harder.

Save Money

No onboarding or setup fees, and no surprise update costs, ever.

Go From Abstract to Actionable.

Start maximizing the value of not only your time, but also your paid services. We push key retention metrics into your CRM, HubSpot, or rewards platform that lets you take advantage of member engagement options and automations.

Marketing Execs