CRM HubSpot Integration
Get more value
from your data

Start pushing 100+ member-level key data points into your CRM (hello, HubSpot) to streamline targeted communications, trigger actions when important member variables change, automatically enroll or unenroll members in automated workflows, or to filter members into one-time marketing lists.

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Hubspot Integration

Harness the power of automation

Easalytics supports a direct HubSpot integration, allowing advanced segmentation, targeting, and automation. Start driving member value, engagement, and retention with our turnkey integration to drive targeted, high-value marketing campaigns.


Better data, better personalization

Get a daily sync of data fields from your Member Management System (MMS) and Easalytics’ proprietary data science models, including member spend, Average Monthly Discretionary Spend, Personal Training Spend, Recent Changes in Check-In Frequency, and much more.


Leave the tech stuff to us

Our integration team does the hard work, so you don’t have to. No data engineers, API developers, or coding required. Our HubSpot integration can be set up in a fraction of the time and expense of a custom project (with much less risk). Plus, we’ll give you free training and support on how to use your new member data in HubSpot.


Get started with our CRM HubSpot Integration